A Successful case study of Neurofeedback for Stroke Recovery



9 year old female with in utero stroke


Demographic Details:

A 9 year old female with history of en utero stroke due to surgery as an infant to remove a subarachnoid cyst. Bleeding near F4. Lingering symptoms improved except spasticity and lack of motor control especially in left arm, hand, and leg resulting in balance and coordination problems, self-esteem problems, and difficulty playing games and sports.

QEEG Brain Map for 9 year old with history of in utero stroke

Note: We have only highlighted 2 pages from the 150 pages that make up our extensive QEEG Brain Mapping Service here at the Scottsdale Neurofeeback Institute.

QEEG Neurofeedback Stroke Brain Map

In the map above it can be seen that there is significant elevated Theta and Alpha Activity on the right side of the head, especially at T4, C4, and F8. These areas are up to and over 3 Standard Deviations from that of an “average” brain as determined by a normative database. Elevated Theta and Alpha indicate increased slow brain wave activity and are correlated with a lack of blood flow and metabolism in the area and often result from head trauma. Also note the Power asymmetry of C4 > C3 especially in Delta and Theta. T4 and C4 are located above the sensorimotor cortex and C4 is in the area of the brain responsible for controlling hand movements. This client had trouble using her left arm.

QEEG Neurofeedback and Stroke Brain Mapping
Relative Power Theta excess at FZ, F4, F8, T4, and C4 and especially 7 hz at C4.


Following 53 Sessions of neurofeedback to reduce slow brain wave activity on the right side of the head, the patient made the following improvements.

  • Increased balance resulting in ability to play sports and better engage in physical activities as well as reduce the number of times she fell.
  • Reduced spasticity and improved motor control in left hand and arm resulting in being able to return to physical therapy and make substantial improvements after having hit a plateau on progress for an extended period of time.