A successful and alternative treatment for Autism

The Scottsdale Neurofeedback Institute of Arizona has been successively making a difference in the lives of individuals with autism for over 18 years. This success is primarily achieved by using an alternative treatment for autism known as QEEG brain map based Neurofeedback.

Autism, also called Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Autistic Disorder, and Pervasive Development Disorder appears to be increasing in frequency of occurrence and is now at about .5% to 1% of children. It’s considered a brain disorder and of yet to be discovered causes. It usually occurs before three years of age.

The main symptoms involve impaired communication and social interaction and usually involve a loss or regression in previously acquired skills. It may also involve restricted patterns of intent, repetitive play and preoccupation with certain objects among other common symptoms.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call us on 480-625-4123

QEEG Brain Mapping for Autism

Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) Topographic brain mapping can be very helpful in understanding the brain dysfunction in autism. QEEG involves placing a cap on top of the head and recording the brains electrical activity. This recorded EEG is then run through multiple QEEG normative databases such as the New York University’s Medical School Database, validated worldwide. The children’s EEG is compared to children of that same age screened to have normal brains. We can see, statistically, areas of abnormality and dysfunction and the degree of the severity. These usually involve connectivity and timing problems as well as main regions that are operating too rapidly or too slowly.

Neurofeedback, a primary treatment for Autism

With EEG neurofeedback training (also called EEG biofeedback) these areas can gradually be trained back toward normal with observable and measurable improvements in functioning. The improvements almost always are permanent. Neurofeedback training presents the client with real-time feedback on their electrical activity (brainwaves) within the brain, measured by placing electrodes on the scalp. The aim of neurofeedback training is to enable conscious control of brainwave activity.

Autism is a severe disorder in terms of impairment in life skills and may require 50 or more sessions for optimized gains. A recent research study by Robert Coben, PhD achieved a remarkable 69% reduction in autism symptoms after only 20 neurofeedback sessions (Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol. 11 (1), 2007.) We expect similar levels of improvement.