[A successful and alternative treatment for Asperger Syndrome

Here at the Scottsdale Neurofeedback Institute in Arizona we have been successively using QEEG brain map based EEG Neurofeedback to make a difference in the lives of individuals with Asperger Syndrome. QEEG Brain Mapping is most helpful in helping understand the areas of the brain that are not functioning to the expected levels within these individuals brains.

Neurofeedback, a primary treatment for Asperger Syndrome

We have been using QEEG brain map based Neurofeedback to successively treat individuals with Asperger Syndrome for nearly two decades. Neurofeedback addresses problems of brain disregulation by utilizing real-time displays of electroencephalography (EEG) to illustrate brain activity and teach self-regulation. The areas to self-regulate are chosen from the QEEG Brain Map and correlating symptoms. More information about Neurofeedback can be found here.


QEEG Brain Mapping Research for Asperger Syndrome


Asperger’s is often placed on the autistic spectrum continuum. We see it as a different disorder. A review of 50 QEEG brainmaps of children and adults with Asperger’s has demonstrated dysfunction in the fusiform gyrus, below and behind each ear. One of its primary functions is that of facial recognition: reading the emotion and social cues on people’s faces. It is therefore more like a learning disability where people have difficulty processing letters (dyslexia) or numbers (dyscalculia) or auditory processing, remembering and comprehending what people say. The facial processing deficits often coexist with ADHD and/or OCD or other disorders or may stand alone. Again the QEEG can reveal the causes of this dysfunction and neurofeedback can bring about significant improvements in most cases.


A Multimodal approach to the treatment of Asperger Syndrome at the SNI


Treatment can include other interventions also such as;


  • Counseling
  • Relaxation Therapy
  • Family/Couple Therapy
  • Behavior Modification
  • Biofeedback