In nearly two decades at the Scottsdale Neurofeedback Institute (SNI), we have only rarely seen mild adverse reactions to neurofeedback. Infrequently, we have had clients report that they feel tired, spacey, have a headache, or are more irritable than normal. The research over the years has shown that clients who are left-handed, 10 – 15% of the time, have a reversed right frontal dominance instead of the normal left frontal dominance. This reversed dominance can cause the individual to experience adverse effects to the normal neurofeedback treatment, presenting with increased depression/irritability. This, unfortunately, cannot be predetermined and can only be identified by observing these adverse effects from the normal treatment. Fortunately, these adverse reactions are most always quickly reversed.
We at the SNI know how powerful neurofeedback can be, as we have seen dramatic changes in the lives of individuals. Thus, we realize that neurofeedback practiced by inexperienced clinicians could be detrimental to the client and exacerbate the symptoms, e.g., someone with depression becoming more depressed. Our clinicians are experienced enough to realize when the training protocol needs to be changed.>/p>